tl;dr: I've been using the multiprocessing module to run some calculations in the background of my CherryPy web app, but apparently this process sometimes gets stuck, causing problems with open sockets piling up and blocking the app. Is there a better way? The (rather wordy) details: Ideally, this recalculation process would happen in the background. There is no need for the user to wait around while the system crunches numbers - they should be able to move on with entering another log or whatever else they need to do. To that end, I implemented the call to the recalc function using the multiprocessing module, so it could start in the background and the main process move on. Lately, though, I've been running into a problem where, when looking at the process list on my server (Mac OS X 10.10.5), I'll see two or more "copies" of my server process running - one master and one or more child processes. As the above described process is the only place I am using the multiprocessing module, I am making the assumption that this is what these additional processes are. If they were only there for a few minutes I would think this is normal, and it wouldn't be a problem. However, what I am seeing is that from time to time (once or twice every couple of days) these additional processes will get "stuck", and when that happens sockets opened by the web app don't get properly closed and start piling up. Looking at a list of open sockets on the server when I have one of these "hung" processes shows a steadily increasing number of sockets in a "CLOSE_WAIT" state (normally I see none in that state). Killing off the hung process(es) clears out these sockets, but if I don't catch it quickly enough these sockets can build up to the point that I am unable to open any more, and the server starts rejecting connections. I'm told this happens because the process retains a reference to all open files/sockets from the parent process, thus preventing the sockets from closing until the process terminates. Regardless of the reason, it can cause a loss of service if I don't catch it quickly enough. As such, I'm wondering if there is a better way. Should I be looking at using the threading library rather than the multiprocessing library? My understanding is that the GIL would prevent that approach from being of any real benefit for a calculation intensive type task, but maybe since the rest of the application is CherryPy threads, it would still work well?. Or perhaps there is a way to not give the child process any references to the parent's files/sockets - although that may not help with the process hanging? Maybe there is a way to "monitor" the process, and automatically kill it if it stops responding? Or am I totally barking up the wrong tree here? Thanks for any insight anyone can provide! ----------------------------------------------- Israel Brewster Systems Analyst II Ravn Alaska 5245 Airport Industrial Rd Fairbanks, AK 99709 (907) 450-7293 ----------------------------------------------- |
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