On 2015-10-22 16:45, input/ldompel...@casema.nl wrote:
In reply to "MRAB" who wrote the following:

On 2015-10-22 16:07, input/ldompel...@casema.nl wrote:
> I want that this script runs to times from the upper line to the buttom
> line.
> I tried with for x in range(2): but that didn't work

You say "didn't work", but in what way didn't it work?

> The GoPiGo is a small robot on wheels.
> The API codes are here:
> http://www.dexterindustries.com/GoPiGo/programming/
> python-programming-for-the-
> raspberry-pi-gopigo/
> from gopigo import *
> import time
Thanks or the reply.

I mean that i want this script running two times.
So the first line is mindist = 70
And the last line is print x
And that two times
So that the robut continues moving two times in this script, from the upperline
to the bottum line two times.

Then just indent those lines and precede them with the 'for' line.

> for x in range (2):

The lines to be repeated should be indented more than the 'for' line.

> mindist = 70
> servo(120)
> time.sleep(2)
> fwd()
> stop()
> time.sleep(2)
> bwd()
> stop()
> if mindist > us_dist(15):
>      bwd()
>      stop
>      print x


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