On 22 October 2015 at 11:56, Peter Brittain <peter.brittain...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 10:24:11 AM UTC+1, Laura Creighton wrote:
>> Fredrik Lundh's console implementation
>> http://effbot.org/zone/console-handbook.htm
>> might be of interest in that case, but I think it is 'old versions
>> of windows only'.  But it's a different take on the abstraction
>> problem.  I haven't used it for something like 15 years now, though,
>> so can barely remember it ...
> Thanks, but I think this is already covered in my original post: I couldn't 
> use it directly due to the pip installation restriction.  I've now created a 
> working Windows implementation, so I don't need another mapping for win32.
> More generally, as these posts begin to show, there was no _simple_ way for 
> me to get a cross-platform console API that "just worked" out of the box.  
> I've had to jump through various hoops to get to where I am and don't think 
> that other people should have to go through the same pain as I have.

I've looked for this in the past and I also found that there was no
general solution that I could just pick and use for both Windows and
everything else. Even just writing a cross-platform getch function is
needlessly complicated.

> This is one of the reasons why I've been tidying up my package to make this 
> as simple as possible for the next person.  I've now got to the stage where I 
> have something that works for me, but it is almost certainly missing 
> something.  Maybe it's not good enough documentation, maybe there's some 
> clunkiness left in the API due to the history of the project, maybe there's 
> an even better way to represent terminals than what I've come up with so far?
> I was hoping for feedback on this front rather than other ways I could 
> recreate the curses package - unless of course, the general consensus is that 
> this really is the way that Python should expose access to the 
> terminal/console.

Thanks for creating this. I will try it out when I next want to create
something like this and give some feedback then. I don't really know
when that will be though...


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