On 10/17/2015 09:27 PM, Peachy Keen wrote:
> I am learning to code and I downloaded Python 3.5 32bit. But I can't
> find the menu bar and after much frustration I uninstalled the
> program. I would like to get started again so if you could assist it
> would be appreciated.

Python itself is in interpreter which executes instructions from an
ordinary text file that contains the python program. As such Python
itself has no "menu bar" or any user interface beyond an interactive
mode that you run from the command line.  Thus to actually use Python
you can do one of:

1. Use the IDLE program that comes with most distributions of Python. On
windows it will install itself to the Start menu.  IDLE is a nice
integrated development environment that provides an editor (complete
with menu bar) and a nice means of running and debugging your Python

2. Use any programmer editor, such as Notepad++ on windows, to make a
program file, save it with a .py extension.  Since most beginner Python
programs have no GUI but do console input and output, you'll want to
open up a command prompt, navigate to where your python file is and type:

python myfile.py

3. Use an online tool like http://learnpython.org, http://repl.it, or
http://www.skulpt.org/ to play around with the Python language without
having to install anything.

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