cheers Mark,

it was the syntax that was foxing me; I don't like the example of the select 
statement  via the insecure approach because the writer is adding an element of 
ambiguity since the table has a field called  <symbol> and a variable also 
called <symbol> 

#modifying my class to 
import sqlite3
class do:
        myString1 = 'uranium'   
        myString2 = ('lead',)
        def doConn(self):
                self.conn = sqlite3.connect('encyclopedia')
                print "Opened database successfully"
                myString3 = 'sulphur'
                cursor = self.conn.execute("SELECT * from wiki WHERE one LIKE 
'%s' "% self.myString1)
                #cursor = self.conn.execute("SELECT * from wiki WHERE one =?", 
                #cursor = self.conn.execute("SELECT * from wiki WHERE one LIKE 
'%s'" % myString3  )
                for row in cursor:
                        print "ID = ", row[0]
                        print "NAME = ", row[1]
                        print "Operation done successfully"
x = do()
#all select statements work , the first two strings are defined under class so 
referencing with 'self' works. other is defined inside method so doesn't need 


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