> You can run your code inside a class definition, abuse metaclassing to replace the namespace with yourown dict and override the __setitem__ function. Then you can implement a var function so it inspect into it's caller namespace, and inserts the given key into it. This hack doesn't apply on any sub scope, is not scaleable, and is generaly bad.
import inspect # Implement how you see right class VarError(NameError): pass class MissingVarError(VarError): pass class ExisitngVarError(VarError): pass def namespacemeta(namespace): class _(type): @classmethod def __prepare__(metacls, name, bases): return namespace() return _ class staticnamespace(dict): PRE_USER_SETTED_ITENS = 2 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.items_setted = 0 def var_setitem(self, key, typ): # Use descriptor object for better control # Implement type-checking yourself return super().__setitem__(key, typ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if self.items_setted >= staticnamespace.PRE_USER_SETTED_ITENS: # Ugly hack, probably won't work IRL if key not in self: raise MissingVarError(key) self.items_setted += 1 return super().__setitem__(key, value) def var(key, typ): calling_namespace = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals if key in calling_namespace: raise ExisitngVarError(key) calling_namespace.var_setitem(key, typ) class _(object, metaclass=namespacemeta(staticnamespace)): if __name__ == '__main__': try: a = 13 except MissingVarError: print("Couldn't set 'a'") var('a', int) a = 37 print(a) try: var('a', str) except ExisitngVarError: print ("Can't call var twice with the same variable name")
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