On Friday  9 Oct 2015 15:12 CEST, Peter Otten wrote:

> Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
>> On Fri, 09 Oct 2015 08:56:18 +0200, Cecil Westerhof
>> <ce...@decebal.nl> declaimed the following:
>>> My bad, I intended to mention that ORDER BY gives the wrong order
>>> (é comes after z and with sort it comes after e), so that is why I
>>> use the external sort command.
>> My books show how to define collation functions for SQLite3 -- from
>> C; don't show if Python can interface to that side (custom
>> aggregation functions are shown, however).
>> Even if you have to use the external sort, you can still avoid one
>> process level by not spawning the external SQLite3 process. Collect
>> the data from the Python level and sort the output (possibly, as
>> mentioned elsewhere, if the data fits in memory, you can sort using
>> Python itself and avoid all external processes).
>> AH! the help file (still Python 2.7 -- though a quick glance at the
>> P3 has the same text) shows:
>> -=-=-=-=-
>> create_collation(name, callable)
>> Creates a collation with the specified name and callable. The
>> callable will be passed two string arguments. It should return -1
>> if the first is ordered lower than the second, 0 if they are
>> ordered equal and 1 if the first is ordered higher than the second.
>> Note that this controls sorting (ORDER BY in SQL) so your
>> comparisons don’t affect other SQL operations.
>> Note that the callable will get its parameters as Python
>> bytestrings, which will normally be encoded in UTF-8.
>> The following example shows a custom collation that sorts “the
>> wrong way”: ... -=-=-=-=-
>> So if one can write a short comparison function that gives the
>> desired order, one can extend the SQL query with
>> ... order by <field> collate <newFunction>
> Turns out such a function already exists; it's called
> locale.strcoll()
> Modified example from the docs:
> $ cat sqlite3_collation.py
> import sqlite3
> import locale
> print("Using locale", locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, ""))
> con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
> con.create_collation("localized", locale.strcoll)
> cur = con.cursor()
> cur.execute("create table test(x)")
> cur.executemany(
> "insert into test(x) values (?)",
> "aäbAÄB")
> cur.execute("select x from test order by x collate localized")
> for row in cur:
> print(row)
> con.close()
> $ python3 sqlite3_collation.py 
> Using locale de_DE.UTF-8
> ('a',)
> ('A',)
> ('ä',)
> ('Ä',)
> ('b',)
> ('B',)
> $ PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 LANG=C python3 sqlite3_collation.py 
> Using locale C
> ('A',)
> ('B',)
> ('a',)
> ('b',)
> ('Ä',)
> ('ä',)

Thanks very much.

I now have in my initialisation:
    conn.create_collation("localized", locale.strcoll)
    cursor  = conn.cursor()
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_GB.UTF-8')

I use:
    with open('spreekwoorden2.txt', 'w') as spreekwoorden:
        for spreekwoord in cursor:
            spreekwoorden.write('%s\n' % spreekwoord)

and export_spreekwoorden is defined as:
export_spreekwoorden        = '''
    SELECT      spreekwoord
    FROM        spreekwoorden

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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