On 10/05/2015 05:20 AM, Hedieh Ebrahimi wrote:
> is this free to use for commercial use?

Yes of course.  There's also the newer Qt Creator program if you want to
use Qt 5.  The license of the Designer and Creator programs does not
apply to the output of these programs (the .ui XML files).

You'll want to read up on the documentation.  Here's a couple of links
for starters:

https://wiki.qt.io/QtCreator_and_PySide (works with .ui files from
Designer also)

Even if you don't use a GUI designer, you should construct your GUI with
layout managers so that your interfaces can adjust and look good on a
variety of screen sizes and DPI.  It's pretty simple once you wrap your
brain around the idea.

Another method of working with .ui files it to load them at runtime:


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