I ran into the same issue.
Check here
It worked for me on python 3 with virtualenv in ubuntu .  Libfreetype was
Le 2 oct. 2015 10:43, "Laura Creighton" <l...@openend.se> a écrit :

> Lots of egg problems can be fixed if you pip install this
> package first.
> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ez_setup
> However, you are trying to install matplotlib.
> Your distro should have it already as a package (python-matplotlib
> perhaps?  python3-matplotlib perhaps?) and you may want to get
> it from there.  If you don't want to get it from there, you may
> want to use conda instead of pip/easy_install and so on.
> http://conda.pydata.org/docs/intro.html
> If the scientific python stack, and not just matplotlib is in
> your future, just use conda.  It is so much easier.
> Laura
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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