On 2015-09-21 09:47, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
Michael Ströder <mich...@stroeder.com>:

Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
Michael Ströder <mich...@stroeder.com>:

Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
I recommend using socket.TCP_CORK with socket.TCP_NODELAY where they
are available (Linux).

If these options are not available are both option constants also not
available? Or does the implementation have to look into sys.platform?

   >>> import socket
   >>> 'TCP_CORK' in dir(socket)

On which platform was this done?

Python3 on Fedora 21.
Python2 on RHEL4.

Sorry, don't have non-Linux machines to try.

How to automagically detect whether TCP_CORK is really available on a

I sure hope 'TCP_CORK' in dir(socket) evaluates to False on non-Linux

On Windows 10:

Python 3.5.0 (v3.5.0:374f501f4567, Sep 13 2015, 02:27:37) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import socket
>>> 'TCP_CORK' in dir(socket)


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