Hi, I'm a newbie without a technical background making some technology research for a company I work for.
My aim is to have an idea of the alternatives technologies for accessing information produced by a machine with a JBUS interface (RS232) and how to access this information realtime in Python (connecting a PC locally via serial port). I'm aware of pyserial but I wonder if there is a library/module that takes care of accessing/interpreting JBUS protocol. I've searched for this without results. I also searched the net looking for some information so that I could have a birds-eye-view on this subject and got the impression that a possibility is to have the communication (JBUS protocol / buffering) managed by some hardware component. Is this so? Can some-one give me some pointers/resources on this subject. Would it still be possible to work with Python. Hope this makes any sense. All help appretiatted. Txs, Miguel -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list