On 09/09/2015 08:59, Laszlo Lebrun via Python-list wrote:
On Tue, 08 Sep 2015 23:35:33 +0100, Mark Lawrence wrote:

On 08/09/2015 20:14, Laszlo Lebrun via Python-list wrote:

Dear group,
I do use Windows 7 and have a user name with diacritics.

Whenever I am querying an extension with pip, it will fail since it
does not pass on the user folder correctly.
I thought PIP deals well with unicode, doesn't it?

Has anyone a clue how to fix it?
Thank you

Yes, you are right, let me append the message.
Just after a fresh install of Python with PIP on Windows.
Whenever I start PIP, I get:
"Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Users
\python.exe"  "C:\Users\B³rgerGegenFluglõrm\AppData\Local\Programs\Python
\Python35-32\Scripts\pip.exe" '"

Where the correct path is "C:\Users\BürgerGegenFluglärm\AppData..."

Well on my Win8.1 machine I created a local user with the name you give and did a fresh install of the very latest Python 3.5rc. I installed from the 32-bit web installer and the only variation from the defaults was to add Python to the PATH (the last checkbox on the first page of the wizard).

It all installed without issue and I was able to do "pip --version" from a command prompt to see that it had installed pip 7.1.something.

Now this is on my standard dev machine, ie not a virgin VM, and it's 8.1 rather than Win7, but it's not clear why either of those would make a difference.

The standard codepage for console processes appears to be 850.

Let's see if the pip guys respond to your bug request


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