Depending what you mean, it may be dirt simple: -- -- print "bar" -- end of --
When a module is first imported, all the statements in it are executed. "def" statements define functions, and "class" statements define clasess. But you can have any type of statement you like at the top level of a module. However, the module is only executed at the first import. On subsequent imports, nothing happens except that the name 'foo' gets assigned the existing foo module from sys.modules['foo']: >>> import foo bar >>> import foo >>> import foo If you really need to do something each time 'import foo' is executed, then you'll have more work to do. One thing to do is override builtins.__import__. Something like this (untested): class ArthasHook: def __init__(self): import __builtin__ self.old_import = __builtin__.__import__ __builtin__.__import__ = self.do_import def do_import(self, *args): m = self.old_import(*args) f = getattr(m, "__onimport__", None) if f: f() hook = ArthasHook() After ArthasHook is created, then each 'import' statement will call hook.do_import() That will look for a module-level function __onimport__, which will be called with no arguments if it exists. I don't recommend doing this. Jeff
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