On 31.08.2015 19:41, John McKenzie wrote:

>  Still checking here and am discussing all this in the Raspberry pi 
> newsgroup. Thanks to the several people who mentioned it.
>  Again, still listening here if anyone has any more to add.
I've had the problem to use interrupt-driven GPIOs on the Pi about two
years back. Here's how I solved it:


To explain the message you're getting: If you want to handle GPIOs in
the most resource-efficient way, you use interrupt-driven handling.
Interrupts for GPIOs can be configured to be off, level-triggered or
edge-triggered. For edge-triggering I'm also pretty sure that the type
of edge (rising, falling, both) can be specified.

IIRC (and I might not, been quite some time), these interrupts are
bundled together in GPIO ports ("channels"). All GPIOs in one channel
need to have the same configuration. You cannot have conflicing
configuration between two pins which belong to the same GPIO (and
apparently, your framework is trying to do it).

The code I posted does it all by hand (and it's not really hard, as you
can see). I used input and output functionality and do the interrupt
configuration myself (this works through the /proc filesystem on the Pi).

Hope this helps,

>> Wo hattest Du das Beben nochmal GENAU vorhergesagt?
> Zumindest nicht öffentlich!
Ah, der neueste und bis heute genialste Streich unsere großen
Kosmologen: Die Geheim-Vorhersage.
 - Karl Kaos über Rüdiger Thomas in dsa <hidbv3$om2$1...@speranza.aioe.org>

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