On 2015-08-24 06:49, 344276105 wrote:
Hi all,
I am a python learner. I encountered a problem when i was testing the
following code. What is strange is that if I replace the object name
with zhang, the program would be ok. And if I replace the
Person.population with self.__class__.population, it will also be ok. So
what is the matter?
Here is the code,
# Filename: objvar.py
class Person:
population = 0
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
print '(Initializing %s...)' % self.name
Person.population += 1
def __del__(self):
print '%s says bye.' % self.name
Person.population -= 1
if Person.population == 0:
print 'I am the last one.'
print 'There are still %d people left.' %
def sayHi(self):
print 'Hi, my name is %s.' % self.name
def howMany(self):
if Person.population == 1:
print 'I am the only person here.'
print 'We have %d persons here.' % Person.population
zhangsan = Person('Swaroop')
lisi = Person('LiSi')
The error occurs because the program has finished and Python is cleaning up.
Unfortunately, it looks like when the __del__ methods run, the Person
class has already been cleaned up (Person is None at that point).
It looks like that behaviour was fixed in Python 3.2.
By the way, it's recommended that you use the latest version of Python
3 unless you require Python 2 because of some dependency on something
that doesn't (yet?) work on Python 3.