Create a model with a parent_id on the current model
and you can use the mptt concept or some others for the reading.
On 13 Aug 2015, at 21:10, Alex Glaros wrote:
It's like the desktop folder/directory model where you can create
unlimited folders and put folders within other folders. Instead of
folders, I want to use government organizations.
Example: Let user create agency names: Air Force, Marines, Navy, Army.
Then let them create an umbrella collection called "Pentagon", and let
users drag Air Force, Marines, Navy, etc. into the umbrella
User may wish to add smaller sub-sets of Army, such as "Army Jeep
Repair Services"
User may also want to add a new collection "Office of the President"
and put OMB and Pentagon under that as equals.
What would the data model look like for this? If I have a field:
next_higher_level_parent that lets children records keep track of
parent record, it's hard for me to imagine anything but an inefficient
bubble sort to produce a hierarchical organizational list. Am using
Postgres, not graph database.
I'm hoping someone else has worked on this problem, probably not with
government agency names, but perhaps the same principle with other
Alex Glaros
Stéphane Wirtel - - @matrixise