On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 8:55 AM, Uri Even-Chen <u...@speedy.net> wrote:

> Thanks for the feedback. Actually I asked this question also in the
> django-users mailing list and Russell Keith-Magee told me about
> Brython, Skulpt and PyPy.js (I hope it's OK that I reply to these 3 mailing
> lists) but I also asked if I can use JavaScript scripts such as jQuery,
> jQuery UI and other jQuery plugins from the scripts in Python and Russell
> said it's possible but not practical for production. And I'm thinking about
> developing Speedy Mail Software or other projects for production (of course
> after the alpha & beta are over) so I guess we are stuck with JavaScript
> for the client side programming. And I don't mind if they use a compiler or
> an interpreter or any other method to run Python in the client side, as
> long as it works. But without using jQuery and other plugins it would be
> very hard to use these projects in production.
> Uri.

​I think that you could try RapydScript: http://rapydscript.pyjeon.com/



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