On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 9:00 PM, Pierre Quentel <pierre.quen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The trap you're seeing here is that iterating over an iterator always
>> consumes it, but mentally, you're expecting this to be iterating over
>> a new instance of the same sequence.
> No, I just tried to apply what I read in the docs :
> 1. I have y = A(10) which is an instance of a class which does not define 
> __contains__ but does define __iter__
> 2. The value z = 0 is produced while iterating over y.
> 3. The sentence "x in y is true if some value z with x == z is produced while 
> iterating over y" lead me to think that "0 in y" would be true.
You're almost right. The significance here is that once you've
partially iterated over y, the value z will not be produced while
iterating over y - so *at that point in time*, y does not contain z.
Iterators (non-infinite ones, at least) shrink over time, so the set
of objects they contain will shrink.


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