Dwight GoldWinde <dwi...@goldwinde.com> wrote: >Here are the results I got below, showing the same error. The first line >says, >"2.7.6 (default, Sep 9 2014, 15:04:36)”. Does that mean I am running the >old Python? How could that be since I am SURE I downloaded 3.4.3 (it even >gives the folder name as “Python 3.4” in the Applications folder on my Mac.
Yes, that's Python2. I've never used MAC OS, but I understand that it has the BASH shell, so you can use "which" try to figure out where python is being found on the path: $ echo $PATH $ which python Use the above to also check for the position of python2 and python3. You can check for aliases and links with the "type" and "file" commands. Do this for python, python2 and python3: $ type $(which python) $ file $(which python) -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list