El martes, 21 de julio de 2015, 15:42:47 (UTC+2), Ian  escribió:
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 5:31 AM,  <jcarm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello, I'm trying to understand and link asyncio with ordinary coroutines. 
> > Now I just want to understand how to do this on asyncio:
> >
> >
> > def foo():
> >     data = yield 8
> >     print(data)
> >     yield "bye"
> >
> > def bar():
> >     f = foo()
> >     n = f.next()
> >     print(n)
> >     message = f.send("hello")
> >     print(message)
> >
> >
> > What is the equivalent for coro.send("some data") in asyncio?
> I don't know of any reason why you couldn't do it just like the above.
> However, the exchange would not be asynchronous, if that is your goal.
> > coro.send on an asyncio coroutine throws AssertionError: yield from wasn't 
> > used with future.
> So somehow a future got involved where it shouldn't have been. What
> was the actual code that you tried to run?
> Note that while "yield" and "yield from" look similar, they are quite
> different, and you cannot send to a generator that is currently paused
> at a "yield from".
> If you want to emulate bidirectional communication similar to
> coro.send asynchronously, I think you'll need to use Futures to
> mediate, something like this (lightly tested):
> @asyncio.coroutine
> def foo(fut):
>     data, fut = yield from send_to_future(8, fut)
>     print("foo", data)
>     fut.set_result("bye")
> @asyncio.coroutine
> def bar():
>     n, fut = yield from start_coro(foo)
>     print("bar", n)
>     message = yield from send_to_future("hello", fut)
>     print("bar", message)
> def start_coro(coro):
>     future = asyncio.Future()
>     asyncio.async(coro(future))
>     return future
> def send_to_future(data, future):
>     new_future = asyncio.Future()
>     future.set_result((data, new_future))
>     return new_future

Hello again. I have been investigating a bit your example. I don't understand 
why I can't write something like this:


import asyncio

def foo():
    print("start foo")
        while True:
            val = yield
            print("foo:", val)
            yield from asyncio.sleep(3)
    except GeneratorExit:
        print("foo closed")
    print("exit foo")

def bar(next):
    print("start bar")
        while True:
            val = yield
    except GeneratorExit:
        print("bar closed")
    print("exit bar")

def fun(next):
    for e in ["hello", "world", "I'm", "pythonist"]:

def run():

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


The expected output is:

start bar
start foo
foo: bar/hello
foo: bar/world
foo: bar/I'm
foo: bar/phytonist
bar closed
exit bar
foo closed
exit foo

But the yield from asyncio.sleep(3) call raises AssertionError, however it's 
inside a Task!
I think this is a big flaw in python/asyncio design.

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