Permitting leading 0s may make it harder to port Python 2 projects to
Python 3.

010 == 8 (Python 2)
010 == 10 (Python 3.x)

SyntaxError is very important for porting code.
So I'm -1 on permitting leading 0s for decimal numbers.

I think original question is for leading 0s for only 0.
Not for arbitrarily decimals.

On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 2:21 AM, Antoon Pardon <
> wrote:

> On 07/19/2015 07:39 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > In Python 2, integer literals with leading zeroes are treated as octal,
> so
> > 09 is a syntax error and 010 is 8.
> >
> > This is confusing to those not raised on C-style octal literals, so in
> > Python 3 leading zeroes are prohibited in int literals. Octal is instead
> > written using the prefix 0o, similar to hex 0x and binary 0b.
> >
> > Consequently Python 3 makes both 09 and 010 a syntax error.
> >
> > However there is one exception: zero itself is allowed any number of
> leading
> > zeroes, so 00000 is a legal way to write zero as a base-10 int literal.
> >
> > Does anyone use that (mis)feature?
> >
> Yes. I like to sometime write numbers with leading zeros.
> Sometimes these numbers represent codeblocks of a fixed
> number of digits. Always writing those numbers with this
> number of digits helps being aware of this. It is also
> easier for when you need to know how many leading zero's
> such a number has.
> --

INADA Naoki  <>

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