> While people are loathe to admit it, many stereotypes have 
> some basis in fact.  The problem is when people extend that to generalize 
> about others (especially in a negative way).

The intent was to use the basis-in-fact stereotype without having to explain
in detail the factual basis, which didn't seem particularly useful, nor
necessary.  I suppose that was wrong.  Since *I* am a Windows user and
developer, if it was insulting, I was also insulting myself.

For one person, at least, it seems that I needed to explain everything in as
much detail as you did.  Thanks for doing it for me :)

> That being said, there is a big difference between a Windows 
> *user* and a Windows *developer*.  I doubt many Windows *users* will
> be writing Python code. 

Python is a great language for beginners (look at the tutor list).  The
language should be kept as easy as possible for beginners to use, while not
limiting what experts can do (something to this effect was even said on
python-dev recently).  Lacking this __div__ hack doesn't limit experts, and
does make it more difficult for beginners.



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