On 07/11/2015 11:39 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> I'm happy with PyQt.  I haven't created standalone executable files with it, 
>> though.  Do they necessarily have to be large?  I would think that 
>> well-written import statements would cut down on the file size.  Just import 
>> the objects you need, rather than the whole namespace.  PyQt is even 
>> organized in sub-modules, apparently to encourage you to refrain from 
>> importing everything.
> If there are submodules that you aren't importing, then it's possible
> they don't need to be included. But if you just import a few names
> from a module, you still need the entire module to be included.

It's not the size of the PyQt wrapper files themselves that are big.
It's the Qt dlls.  Last I worked with Qt, they added nearly 10 MB to an
app bundle's size.  You will have to ship them with your app one way or
another.  There is some modularity there.  But at the very least you
need QtCore and QtGui, which are between 8 and 15 MB total, depending on
debugging symbols, qt version, etc. Qt 5 seems to be more modular; there
are a lot more individual shared libraries that are smaller.

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