On Sun, 2005-07-31 at 00:32 -0700, Paul Rubin wrote:

> Those issues about the 1600 dependencies don't apply nearly as much to
> pure Python modules (e.g. Twisted) as they do to extension modules
> that require the presence of further stuff on the system.  E.g., on
> Linux, to use wxPython, you need wxWidgets, which needs GTK 1.5, which
> has been obsolete for years, and there are all sorts of build
> conflicts when you try to compile this stuff out of the box.  I don't
> know where Dabo fits in.  It does sound nice in some regards.

wxWidgets/wxPython hasn't required GTK 1.x in quite a long time.  Please
get your facts straight.  Also, the "1600" dependencies you complain
about come standard on any modern Linux system or can be easily
installed with the system's package management tool.  I've also built
wxPython from source on OS/X, which, while orders of magnitude more
difficult than on Linux, still wasn't that hard.  I'm seriously getting
the impression you are criticizing something you've never even tried.

> Pico Lisp uses an interesting approach to portable GUI's: it includes
> a socket-based GUI API and a special Java applet that runs in a
> browser and implements the API.  All the issues of dealing with
> OS-specific window systems go away, as long as you can run a
> Java-enabled browser and point it at the Pico Lisp application.  See:
>    http://www.software-lab.de/down.html

It sounded interesting until you said "Java Applet".  Talk about causing
deployment issues...


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