Germano, answering email at top of mail, since think that's the preferred
method for some of us.
I am also a 100% blind developer, and python is also one of my focus areas.

While don't think can really help with this part of development as of yet, I
would be more than willing to help with feedback, etc., and can also put you
in touch with various other blind developers who do also work with python,

For example, AFAIK, the primary blind programmers mailing list is, and besides me, there are a few other python
developers on that list as well.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
"Roger Wilco wants to welcome the space janitor's closet..."

----- Original Message ----- From: "germano carella" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2015 11:55 AM
Subject: Writing a python editor for blind developers

Hi to all,
I'm new of this list.
I'm Germano from Italy. I'm 39 and I'm a blind developer.
I'm writing a python editor accessible to screen readers, with autocompletion support.
So, when I write something, a context menu displays all option I can use.
To do this, I'm using inspect module and pkgutil, and parsing docstring of builtin functions 'cause inspect.getargspec doesn't work with builtins. Now, when I instantiate a class, for example, I'd like to receive option on methods when I write name. ...
I tired to use code.InteractiveConsole running in background.
In this way, I can run source code every time I press enter and code.InteractiveConsole executes it in background. The problem is when I'm writing a function: InteractiveConsole executes it, but doesn't update her locals since I finish to write the function; so I can't retrieve local variables.
There is an other way can you suggest me?


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