George Sakkis wrote:

> Then write a closure. You get both encapsulation and efficience, and as
> a bonus, customization of the translating function:
> import string
> def translateFactory(validChars=string.letters+string.digits,
>                      replaceChar='_'):
>     all=string.maketrans('','')
>     badcars=all.translate(all,validChars)
>     table=string.maketrans(badcars, replaceChar*len(badcars))
>     def translate(text):
>         return text.translate(table)
>     # bind any attributes you want to be accessible
>     # translate.badcars = badcars
>     # ...
>     return translate
> tr = translateFactory()
> tr("Hel\xfflo")

This is clean,but I suppose it would get cumbersome if I want to have 
more functions in the namespace/factory and it implies all that bindings 
in the end.

The second point also shows my perplexities about functions namespace:

def function():'something'

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'foo'

How should I read it? The namespace is half done inside the function?

Thanks Paolino

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