Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:

> Why is calling a function faster than bypassing the function object and
> evaluating the code object itself? And not by a little, but by a lot?
> Here I have a file,
> # === cut ===
> from timeit import Timer
> def func():
>     a = 2
>     b = 3
>     c = 4
>     return (a+b)*(a-b)/(a*c + b*c)
> code = func.__code__
> assert func() == eval(code)
> t1 = Timer("eval; func()", setup="from __main__ import func")
> t2 = Timer("eval(code)", setup="from __main__ import code")
> # Best of 10 trials.
> print (min(t1.repeat(repeat=10)))
> print (min(t2.repeat(repeat=10)))
> # === cut ===
> Note that both tests include a name lookup for eval, so that as much as
> possible I am comparing the two pieces of code on an equal footing.
They are not on equal footing. The first one only looks up eval, but the second 
actually calls eval. The overhead of calling eval is what makes the difference. 
To get them on equal footing you will have to insert an eval call also in the 
first example.

dummy = compile("0", 'string', "eval")

t1 = Timer("eval(dummy); func()", setup="from __main__ import dummy, func")
t2 = Timer("0; eval(code)", setup="from __main__ import code")

And then you'll see that t1 is slightly slower than t2.
Piet van Oostrum <>
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

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