Cecil Westerhof wrote:

> I installed Jython and will start playing with it. There probably will
> be differences between Python and Jython. Is there a way to determine
> if a script is run by Python or Jython? Then different execution paths
> could be taken. With sys.version(_info) you do not get this
> information.

“print sys.__doc__” in (C)python(2) hinted at “sys.platform”.  And so:

$ python -V
Python 2.7.10

$ python -c 'from sys import platform; print platform'

$ python3 -V
Python 3.4.3+

$ python3 -c 'from sys import platform; print(platform)'

$ jython -V
"my" variable $jythonHome masks earlier declaration in same scope at 
/usr/bin/jython line 15.
Jython 2.5.3

$ jython -c 'from sys import platform; print platform'
"my" variable $jythonHome masks earlier declaration in same scope at 
/usr/bin/jython line 15.


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