My answers are below in red.

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 2:47 PM, Joonas Liik <> wrote:

> You say you are taking this from an xml file and want to get a CSV file..
> Why are you making an intermediate JSON file?

I thought that this would be the most efficient method as it emulates
Python dictionaries. In addition the json module has numerous functional

> Why do you need the CSV output?

Client requirements

Could you perhaps be better off using another format?

Perhaps...not sure if it worth revisiting at this point.

> Your data seems to be a quite deeply nested hierarchical structure and
> doesn't
>   seem to suit the simple CSV format very well.. (i see several layers of
> nested arrays for one)..
>   how to you plan to map these nested structures to the CSV format?
 That's my greatest challenge. From what I understand, I need to replicate
each key and associate it with n number of items in the array. I have been
able to address by denesting by one level using this function:

   1. def flatten(d, parent_key=''):
   2. items = []
   3. for k, v in d.items():
   4. try:
   5. items.extend(flatten(v, '%s%s_' % (parent_key, k)).items())
   6. except AttributeError:
   7. items.append(('%s%s' % (parent_key, k), v))
   8. return dict(items)
   10. final = (flatten(data2, parent_key =''))

For example:

   1. data2 = {
   3. "OTF": "0",
   4. "F": "False",
   5. "F": {
   6. "Int32": ["0",
   7. "0",
   8. "0",
   9. "0",
   10. "0",
   11. "0",
   12. "0",
   13. "0",
   14. "0",
   15. "0",
   16. "0",
   17. "0",
   18. "0",
   19. "0",
   20. "0",
   21. "0",
   22. "0",
   23. "0",
   24. "0",
   25. "0",
   26. "0",
   27. "0",
   28. "0",
   29. "0",
   30. "0"]
   31. },
   32. "D": {
   33. "B": ["0",
   34. "0",
   35. "0",
   36. "0",
   37. "0",
   38. "0",
   39. "0",
   40. "0",
   41. "0",
   42. "0",
   43. "0"]
   44. },
   46. "PBDS": {
   47. "DateTime": ["1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM",
   48. "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM",
   49. "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM",
   50. "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM",
   51. "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM",
   52. "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM",
   53. "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM",
   54. "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM"]
   55. },
   57. "PBDS": {
   58. "Double": ["0",
   59. "0",
   60. "0",
   61. "0",
   62. "0",
   63. "0",
   64. "0",
   65. "0"]
   66. },
   68. "SCS": {
   69. "String": ["1",
   70. "2"]
   71. }
   73. }

is turned into

   1. {'D_B': ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'],
   2. 'F_Int32': ['0',
   3. '0',
   4. '0',
   5. '0',
   6. '0',
   7. '0',
   8. '0',
   9. '0',
   10. '0',
   11. '0',
   12. '0',
   13. '0',
   14. '0',
   15. '0',
   16. '0',
   17. '0',
   18. '0',
   19. '0',
   20. '0',
   21. '0',
   22. '0',
   23. '0',
   24. '0',
   25. '0',
   26. '0'],
   27. 'OTF': '0',
   28. 'PBDS_Double': ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'],
   29. 'SCS_String': ['1', '2']}

I would need an output that maps each key with each item in the array.

 DB1 : 0, DB2: 0, DB3: 0 etc. and F1: 0, F1: 0. DB1, DB2 would be the
headers and the 0s as values in the CSV file.

> And your example json bit.. the JSON you posted in your last post seems
> quite different from some of the first ones you posted.
> You cant expect to give people 5% of a malformed simplified example and to
> get anything useful (much less usable) back.
> And finally, the original xml? mock at least?

All of our XML from our client is malformed.

> --

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