On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 6:39 AM, Marko Rauhamaa <ma...@pacujo.net> wrote:
> Another interesting ism I have read about is the idea that the starting
> point of any software project should be the user manual. The developers
> should then go and build the product that fits the manual.

I've seldom met a *user* manual that's truly the right way to start
building, but there have been times when I've built *API*
documentation prior to the code. That can work fairly well. I'll also
often start a project with a copious set of notes that aren't quite
user-facing, aren't quite programmer-friendly, but are somewhere in
between. Here's a new project I'm starting now:


Prior to actually creating that repo, I'd done some thrash testing of
the basic concepts (which is how I know that the basic idea will work
- my thrash test achieved 100tps, massively exceeding the 40tps that I
need, ergo it's worth proceeding to code), but the project itself
started with the README, then the .sql files giving a basic run-down
of the tables required. Now, and only now, I'm starting to look at
actual code. Is that starting with the user manual? Not quite, but I
think it captures the same concept that that's trying to capture.


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