On 15/06/2015 12:42, subhabrata.bane...@gmail.com wrote:
Dear Group,
I am trying to learn how to create .exe file for Python. I tried to work around
http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/Tutorial of Py2exe. The sample program went 
But if I try to make exe for larger programs with methods and classes I am 
getting error.

If any one of the esteemed members may kindly suggest how to work out.
I am using Python2.7+ on Windows 7 Professional.

Subhabrata Banerjee.

I'm awfully sorry but both my main and backup crystal balls are being 
repaired due to overuse.  "I am getting error" is about as much use as a 
wet fart in a thunderstorm.  So given that I never much liked guessing 
games anyway as I'm not much good at them, how about telling us 
precisely what error you're getting.  In that way one or more of our 
most esteemed colleagues might be able to help.
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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