On 2015-06-12, Ben Finney <ben+pyt...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:

> There is no standardisation of exit status values between different
> programs. The best one can say is “exit status 0 means success”.
> Anything further is specific to particular programs and is not
> universal.
> You'll need to see the documentation for ‘modprobe(1)’ to find out what
> its different exit status values mean.
It's modprobe(8), and all the man page says is that it returns
non-zero if you try to remove or insert a module it can't find.

Explicitly checking for an os.system() return value of 1<<8 seems like
a pretty bad idea to me, since there's nothing in the modprobe docs
that gurantees it will return 1 under some particular conditions.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! YOU PICKED KARL
                                  at               MALDEN'S NOSE!!

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