Paul Rubin wrote:
> Shelve uses dbm and pickle to make a persistent object store.  The
> "db" in "dbm" stands for "database" and while I didn't expect full
> ACID capability, I'd have thought there'd be at least some minimum
> gesture towards durability of updates.  But say that s is a shelve
> object.  If I say
>    s[whatever] = value
> there is no way apparent from the shelve docs to get the update
> flushed out to the disk file until the shelve is actually closed.  If
> I'm using the shelve to store stuff in a long-running server, it could
> be months before the shelve closes.
> Is shelve really missing this capability?  

No. Call the .sync() method. Unfortunately, the shelve module is not 

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter


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