On Fri, 5 Jun 2015 06:52 am, BartC wrote:

> On 04/06/2015 18:11, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>>If there is
>> any language where assignment uses one style and argument passing always
>> uses another, I've never come across it.
> My language does that. I'd be very surprised if it was the only one in
> existence that does so.

I would be. That means that



tmp = x

behave differently, and that would be very surprising to me (and, I think,
most people).

> Assignments involve a deep copy. Argument passing is something
> in-between by-value and by-reference (depending also on the type of data
> involved). 

When you say "something in-between ...", do you mean pass by sharing?

> There is a also an actual by-reference mode (where a pointer 
> is passed).

Passing a pointer is not necessarily by reference. Pass by sharing also uses
a pointer.



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