I tried running this in SikuliX 1.1

from pyparsing import Word, alphas

greet = Word( alphas ) + "," + Word( alphas ) + "!"
greeting = greet.parseString( "Hello, World!" )
print greeting

Doesn't seem to run pyparser module missing.

Another reason why not to use it, unfortunately.

Not sure if it's possible to somehow include it with SikuliX.

This might mean the end for this little experiment.

I think SikuliX/Jython might be too slow for parsing purposes which is kinda odd... since it can do 500.000 if statements last time I tested it... but when it comes to dealing with characters it seems to turn into a pile of shit ?

Hmmm.. maybe unicode processing has something to do with it :)

Perhaps I should write a small little test program to test this "python/jython" is a "piece of char shit" theory.

Yes interesting test.



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