On May 31, 2015, at 10:51 AM, Anders Johansen <sko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Den søndag den 31. maj 2015 kl. 16.22.10 UTC+2 skrev Cem Karan:
>> On May 31, 2015, at 9:35 AM, Anders Johansen <sko...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi my name is Anders I am from Denmark, and I am new to programming and 
>>> python.
>>> Currently, I am doing the codecademy.com python course, but sometime I feel 
>>> that the course advances to fast and I lack repeating (practicing) some of 
>>> the concepts, however I don't feel confident enough to start programming on 
>>> my own.
>>> Do you guys have some advice to how I can practicing programming and get 
>>> the concept in under the skin?
>> Choose something that you think is small and easy to do, and try to do it.  
>> When you have trouble, read the docs you find online, and ask us questions; 
>> the python community is pretty friendly, and if you show us what you've 
>> already tried to do, someone is likely to try to help you out.
>> The main thing is to not get discouraged.  One of the hardest things to do 
>> is figuring out what you CAN do with a computer; some things that look like 
>> they should be easy, are actually major research questions.  Just keep 
>> trying, and it will get easier over time.
>> Good luck!
>> Cem Karan
> Thank you Cem Karan for your reply. I will try and follow your advice. I am 
> yet to install python on my computer, do you know of any easy to follow 
> instructions on how to do so? Where do I start?

Python 3 installers are here: 
https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-343/  Choose the one 
appropriate for your system, and follow the instructions.  If you have trouble, 
write to the list.

Good luck,
Cem Karan

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