
I want to use the stdout of child process as an input of another thread, but 
some how I am not able to read the stdout.  Using Popen I have created a child 
process and stdout of it I have redirected to PIPE (because I don't want that 
to be printed on with my main process).  Now using this 
statement,"Line=Proc.stdout.readline()" I want to read stdout of child process 
and I have to do operation on that. but somehow i am not able to read from 
stdout of child process. 

Following is the code snapshot - 

    Proc = Popen(["python.exe","filename.py"],stdout=PIPE)
    while True:
                Line = Proc.stdout.readline()
                print Line

Filename.py(Child process) is continuously printing "Hello World!!" in place of 
reading stdout of child process. 

Kevin Peterson


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