On Thu, 28 May 2015 13:32:39 +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:

> On 28May2015 01:38, Jon Ribbens <jon+use...@unequivocal.co.uk> wrote:
>>On 2015-05-27, Karthik Sharma <karthik.sha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I tried modifying the program as follows as per your
>>> suggestion.Doesn't seem to work.
>>That's because you didn't modify the program as per their suggestion,
>>you made completely different changes that bore no relation to what they
> Actually, his changes looked good to me. He does print from data first,
> but only for debugging. Then he goes:
>   message = json.loads(data)
> and tried to access message['Message'].
> However I am having trouble reproducing his issue because his quoted
> code is incorrect. I've tried to fix it, as listed below, but I don't
> know what is really meant to be in the 'data" string.

it looks like data is a broken array of one object, part of which is a 
further quoted json string.

There should be a string value after the isEvent but I have no idea what 
it should be, nor what else should come after.

"message":"tdetails":{att:val pairs}

is also wrong in the first level of inner json.

I think he wants data[0]['message'], but the inner json strings are 
broken too, and should look more like.

data: "[{\"Severity\":\"warn\",\"Subject\":\"Reporting\",\"Message\":

In this model, if the data attribute is a json string, then

data maps to a list / array

data[0] maps to an object / dictionary

data[0]["Message"] maps to the string literal "tdetails"

data[0]["attr_name"] maps to a string representation of a json ob with 
another level of escaping.

That string can then be loaded, eg:

attr_name = json.loads(data[0]["attr_name"])

See: http:/www.sined.co.uk/python/nested_json.py.txt

Denis McMahon, denismfmcma...@gmail.com

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