On 28/05/15 11:34, Serge Christian Ibala wrote:

I want to know which version of Python is compatible (or can be
associated with which version of which "tools or package" for image

It would help if you told us what kind of image processing.
If you mean programmatic manipulation of images similar
to what would be done using GIMP/Photoshop then the most
common tools are ImageMagick and Pillow. But you mention
neither, so I'm guessing you are looking at doing
something else - maybe trying to analyze content?

Given the list of tools you list I'd suggest fetching
an all-in-one distro like Anaconda or Canopy. That
way somebody else does the dependency dance for you.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:


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