On 24/05/2015 14:07, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
Op Sunday 24 May 2015 14:11 CEST schreef Cecil Westerhof:

Op Sunday 24 May 2015 13:54 CEST schreef Laura Creighton:

This file supposedly lists what you can customise your ipython
prompt to show. I have not tried this myself.


I will look into it.

I use the following in ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/00-init.ipy:
     import time

     %config PromptManager.in_template = r'[{time.strftime("%a, %d %b %T")} 
\u@\h:\Y1]\nIn [\#]: '

Now I should contemplate what other things would be useful there. ;-)

One of the major warts that (i)Python has yet to address via a PEP is that it fails dismally when it comes to making the coffee and sandwiches to keep you going whilst using it. Perhaps you'd like to look into this issue? I'm not aware of anything on the bug tracker about it.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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