Op Saturday 23 May 2015 15:25 CEST schreef Peter Otten:

> Cecil Westerhof wrote:
>> Op Saturday 23 May 2015 11:12 CEST schreef Mark Lawrence:
>>> On 22/05/2015 06:20, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
>>>> I am looking into using ipython instead of bash. But when I call
>>>> a python program from ipython PYTHONPATH is not set. So
>>>> pythonscripts that need a module through PYTHONPATH will not
>>>> work.
>>>> I could do something like:
>>>> !PYTHONPATH=~/Python/PythonLibrary python2 …
>>>> But I find that a little bit cumbersome. Is there a better way to
>>>> do it?
>>> What makes you think this?  Have you tried:-
>>>>>> import os
>>>>>> os.environ['PYTHONPATH']
>>> 'C:\\Users\\Mark\\Documents\\Cash\\Python;C:
> \\Users\\Mark\\Documents\\MyPython'
>>> That might be from the command line interpreter but it also works
>>> the same from iPython for me on Windows 8.1.
>> That does not change anything. The modules are not found. Also not
>> when using %run.
> That may be because ~ is not expanded.
> Try
> os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] =
> os.path.expanduser("~/Python/PythonLibary")

That is not the problem:

As I interpret it is that the very handy shell variable is not used in ipython.

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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