On 05/22/2015 03:50 PM, Laura Creighton wrote:
In a message of Fri, 22 May 2015 12:29:20 -0400, "Eric S. Johansson" writes:
2 needs. first is determining if NaturallySpeaking injects keycodes or
ascii char into the windows input queue. second is building a test
widget to capture and display text.
I think I can solve both of these by building a simple text widget
(tkinter? qt? ??) to capture keycodes. problem, is in <mumble><mumble>
yrs of programming, I've never written a GUI interface so I have no idea
where to start. help, tutor, pointers to samples would be most welcome.
--- eric
The best online manual I know of for Tkinter is here:
http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/ despite being 10 years old. But then I
haven't looked for one for about that long, either.
For tkinter key events are a bit odd, given that Tkinter tries to
help you and considers special keys, punctuation and non-ascii printing
characters as separate things should you want to bind to them.
It's actually easier to write the code and say 'play with this' rather
than to explain when you would need to use event.char and when event.keysym
(Plus the code will tell you what Tkinter uses, I might remember wrong.)
Save this in a file and run it.
Wow. What a gift. It told me what I needed to know which is the key syms
are generated in a way that makes sense to me as far as I understand them.
A bit of background. I have some Linux resident code that translates
standard input characters into key codes and then feeds them into
uinput. the problem is, the character sequences generated by
NaturallySpeaking plus Windows doesn't always work right or as expected.
In theory, I should now be able to push the individual events over to
the Linux side as key sym/ key codes, maybe do some translation, and
ta-da, I now can dictate from the Windows virtual machine into Linux.
I now have, within reach, a fair amount of accessibility added by simple
open-loop keystroke macros. The RPC mechanism tied into the Python
extension to NaturallySpeaking, it's possible to execute even more
sophisticated speech user interfaces.
thank you so much for the help. future trick will be synchronizing
tkinter window on windows with one on linux
--- eric