On 2015-05-21 14:34, bartc wrote:
On Thursday, 21 May 2015 06:19:39 UTC+1, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
On Wednesday 20 May 2015 19:56, Bartc wrote:

What you *shouldn't* do is implement your own argument convention,

(That's exactly what I did for my static language compiler which
generates x64 code. The Win64 calling convention was far too
complicated, and required 16-byte stack alignment which was another
headache. My private calling convention works fine! But I have to use
the official one for calling foreign (eg. C) functions.

This is at a lower level than the logical or language view of
parameter passing, but still, you don't always have to do what
everyone else does.)

Don't do what the Lua community does, which is invent a stupid
distinction between "reference types" and "value types" so they too
can misuse terminology:

But in the mind of the user, such a distinction can be intuitive. If
I'm passing a 32-bit integer, it is easy to think of the value being
passed. With a 100 million element array, it harder to think of it
being passed by value than by reference.

This calling convention has been known as pass by sharing (or
variations of that, like "pass by object sharing") since it was
named by Barbara Liskov in the 1970s, for the language CLU, but the
convention itself goes back to Lisp in the 1950s.

I looked it up expecting a new convention to solve all my problems.
But it's just a re-statement of how Python works anyway!

So a mutable object passed to a function can be changed by that
function, so that the caller sees the change. An immutable object
can't be changed in the same way, but only because Python doesn't
allow it to be modified. (But it does allow assignment to the version
in the function.)

Using what is really pass-by-reference for everything is fine, but
I'm having some trouble with making it efficient for small integer
values (I think this is a weak area of Python). Even with my clunky
system of passing descriptors, the equivalent of BINARY_ADD for two
small integers can be reduced to perhaps 10 or 12 machine
instructions, byte-code dispatch *and* double type-dispatch overheads
included (using ASM that is; and technically the type-dispatching is

If small integers need to be heap-allocated and managed, then it
might need a few more. (And then Python will auto-range these to
arbitrary precision as needed, another difference.)

If memory addresses aren't byte-aligned, you could use the least-
significant bit to indicate whether it's a small integer, i.e. if it's
zero, then it's an address, else shift right by 1 bit arithmetically
for the integer value.

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