Am 20.05.15 um 08:49 schrieb Howard Spink:
I have a Pi + SD card with Pi OS + PiTfT screen

I am trying to display specific JPEGs when certain combination of GP10 inputs 
are HIGH. I would like to use Python, I have no background in programming. Can 
someone point me on the right tracks?

No bg in programming is not very helpful. I suggest you do some tutorials. For instance, the PiTFT has this:

It shows how you can display images from the shell. Next, do a tutorial on Python programming, e.g. - but you shold choose one that fits your way of learning. Maybe there is a RasPI tutorial also, which shows you how to read from the GP ports, I'm too lazy to google it now - just try combinations of API, tutorial, documentation with keywords like RasPI, GP, GP programming etc.

Finally you can wire this all up. An experienced programmer with no previous knowledge of RasPI can do this within half an hour by reading these guides. Your biggest task is to understand programming. Have fun!


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