On 13.05.2015 16:09, Cristiano Cortezia wrote:
> Well I gave it a try, and it seems my assumptions were *somehow* true.
> Here is what I got when running one of my apps in single shot mode (load,
> run, terminate):
> *default python distribution*
> total time 9.022s
> ENOENT's count 7377
> *pyrun*
> total time 8.455s
> ENOENT's count 3064
> So, it indeed failed much less to open files, but I guess this didn't make
> that much difference after all (500ms).

PyRun has the advantage of being able to read the byte code
directly from the binary (using memory mapping). However,
it still needs to run the same startup machinery as Python

Note that startup time for Python was a lot worse before
Python used the same approach as PyRun to compile in the
parsed sysconfig data.

> Perhaps it is because this app has some external dependencies (22 to be
> precise) not bundled on pyrun that had to be scanned by the interpreter
> anyway. If by any means we could bundle them all the same way, than it
> could bring a much higher performance gain. But I guess it is not really
> safe-feasible.

It's certainly possible to use the pyrun build system to create
bundles with more packages and tools included.

The one we're shipping has most of the stdlib included,
but leaves all the application code to reside on the
sys.path or in a ZIP archive.

In one of the next releases we'll probably add a tool to bundle
complete applications together with pyrun, perhaps even by
recompiling it to include the application byte code files
right in the binary like we do for the stdlib.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, May 13 2015)
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2015-05-11: Released eGenix PyRun 2.1.0 ...       http://egenix.com/go74
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   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
    D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
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