> I'm thinking how interesting it would be to add code blocks to Python, so 
 > that arbitrary strings of code can be passed around.   It would open up some 
 > interesting possibilities for self-modifying code and generic programming.
> My suggestion would be to use triple double-quoted strings.  

Hmmm.  Would be interesting to do this:

>>> codestr = decode(SomeClass)

...and have it return a triple-quoted string of the perhaps-reduced source for 
the class.  It's like serialization of code objects, but the serialization is 
just the source string w/LFs that would re-make the object.

Similarly, you'd want:

>>> encode(codestr)

to instantiate all objects in the codestr.  You can't do this with eval, 
because it doesn't allow assignment (eval(n=2) returns "InvalidSyntax").


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