Op Saturday 2 May 2015 10:26 CEST schreef Cecil Westerhof:

> Op Friday 1 May 2015 09:03 CEST schreef Steven D'Aprano:
>> On Thu, 30 Apr 2015 09:30 pm, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
>>> Tail recursion would nice to have also.
>> People coming from functional languages like Lisp and Haskell often
>> say that, but how many recursive algorithms naturally take a
>> tail-call form? Not that many.
> One example:
> def factorial(x, y = 1):
> return y if x == 1 else factorial(x - 1, x * y)
> def factorial_iterative(x):
> result = 1
> for i in range(2, x + 1):
> result *= i
> return result
> Executing factorial(985) 100.000 times takes 54 seconds.
> While executing factorial_iterative(985) takes 34 seconds.
> Also you can not call factorial with a value that is much bigger
> because of recursion depth. You can call factorial_iterative with
> 1.000.000.
> I made also a version that simulates tail recursion:
> def factorial_tail_recursion(x):
> y = 1
> while True:
> if x == 1:
> return y
> y *= x
> x -= 1
> This is that a lot less efficient as the iterative version. It takes
> 43 seconds. But it is a lot better as the normal recursive version:
> about 25%. The iterative version is about 25% more efficient as the
> tail recursion version.
> With larger values it decreases. Calculating onetime for 5.000.000
> takes 117 and 131 seconds. Just 10% faster.
> That is mostly because the tail recursion version starts multiplying
> at the high end. I wrote a second version:
> def factorial_tail_recursion2(x):
> y = 1
> z = 1
> while True:
> if x == z:
> return y
> y *= z
> z += 1
> This has almost the performance of the iterative version: 34 and 121
> seconds.
> So I made a new recursive version:
> def factorial_recursive(x, y = 1, z = 1):
> return y if x == z else factorial_recursive(x, x * y, z + 1)

Stupid me 'x == z' should be 'z > x'

Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilwesterhof

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