Op donderdag 19 februari 2015 19:25:14 UTC+1 schreef Dave Angel:
> I wrote the following pair of functions:
> def seven_code(n):
>      acc = bytearray()
>      if n == 0:
>          acc.append(0)
>      while n > 0:
>          quotient, remainder = divmod(n, 128)
>          acc.append(remainder)
>          n = quotient
>      acc[-1] |= 0x80            #add a stop bit to last byte
>      return acc
> def seven_decode(sequ):
>      acc = 0
>      multiplier = 1
>      for by in sequ:
>          acc += (by & 0x7f) * multiplier
>          if by > 0x7f:
>              break
>          multiplier *= 128
>      return acc
> Here's a couple of ranges of output, showing that the 7bit scheme does 
> better for values between 384 and 16379.
Thanks for this test; I obviously should have done it myself.
Please have a look at 
http://optarbvalintenc.blogspot.nl/2015/04/inputs-from-complangpython.html and 
the next two postings.


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