On 03/25/2015 03:43 PM, Gregg Dotoli wrote:

This basic script will help to find
evidence of CryptoWall on a slave drive. Although it is
just a string, more complex regex patterns can be
replaced with the string. It is incredible how fast Python is and
how easy it has helped in quickly assessing a pool of slave drives.
I'm improving it as we speak.

Thanks for your help and patience. I'm new with Python.

import os
import re
# From the Root
topdir = "."

# Regex Pattern
for dirpath,dirnames, files in os.walk(topdir):
     for name in files:
             print (result)

Any reason you started a new thread?

And I thought (from the other thread) that you were trying to search the contents of the files. Right now you're just looking for a file name containing the pattern.

That could explain why it's so fast.


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