On 2015-03-25 22:36, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 6:49 AM, Tiglath Suriol <tiglathsur...@gmail.com> wrote:
Two possibilities:
You are a moderator. If you are a moderator you are welcome to delete my
tests posts. This is of course improbably because this newsgroup is not
You misunderstand newsgroups and mailing lists. Posts do not get
deleted after the event. Even on a web forum, where an administrator
can delete posts, the information is already out there; the instant
any one person has seen your post, you've lost control of it. So think
about what you post - especially when (as in your other thread) it
contains private information.
The other possibility is that you are just a guy, who despite the fact that my
posts cost you nothing, and you are absolutely free to ignore them, your life
is so dull that that you just must intervene and comment on anything you do not
comprehend, because appointing yourself net cop is about as exciting as it gets.
It's a free country, I know. You have every right to engage in pathetic speech.
You also misunderstand freedom. I suggest you explore all three
concepts (freedom, newsgroups, and mailing lists), and learn what
you're actually dealing with. You may find the results rewarding.
A quick search suggests that he has prior form.